S.A.Y.A.P Handles Designed by Sammy Hendramianto Syamsulhadi

S.A.Y.A.P Handles launching at The Colours of Indonesia 2018

Introducing the S.A.Y.A.P Handle a delightful blend of Indonesian design and Japanese engineering, brought to life by the creative vision of Sammy Hendramianto Syamsulhadi of SHS & Associates Jakarta and perfected by skilled craftsmen of Union Corporation Japan (Elmes)

First 3D Printing preview meeting with Pak Sammy of SHS & Associates and Mr. Ippei Tanaka UNION ELMES

Curved edges lining, the S.A.Y.A.P resembles the chamber of an aerofoil, enveloping user with unmatchable experience.

S.A.Y.A.P's alumunium sand-casting facility in Tokushima Prefecture is renowed for its exceptional quality and attention to detail.

Union's craftsmen perfected S.A.Y.A.P with metculous attention to detail for a luxurious and indulgent experience.

Sammy Hendramianto Syamsulhadi has made history as the first Indonesian designer to collaborate with Union Corporation
Japan (Elmes), signing a design contract with Mr. Junzo Tateno, the corporation's President, in Osaka, Japan.